
About Me

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My name is Lori, and it is my goal to live in the moment every day, follow Jesus, and show His love to everyone around me. I am a wife of almost 20 years and a mother to two amazing daughters.

Friday, June 17, 2011


This weekend we celebrate Father's Day, and I am so full of love for the Dad's in my life.  I am far away physically from my Dad this year, but never closer in heart.  Ray Ellis is my Dad and my hero, a mentor, a friend, a confidante, a life coach, and the greatest picture of God's love a daughter could have.  I have gained a wealth of wisdom from my Dad about grace, loyalty, family, and unconditional love.  Throughout my life, he has believed in me and encouraged me to chase my dreams and work hard to achieve them.  He has supported me through tough decisions, sacrificed for me, and loved me when I felt unlovable.  My dad has taught me how to love people and to care about the little details in the lives of others.  He is always asking people questions and making them feel like the most important person in the world.  He is the most patient person I know.  I have childhood memories of his detailed explanations in answer to my unending questions about his job, or sports, or his childhood memories, or his experiences in the war.  He seemed to never tire of teaching me about the principles of life, and those lessons have remained in my heart.  My dad is also "Granddad" to my daughters, and he would do anything for them.  They are drawn to his gentle spirit, and it fills my heart to know that they are blessed beyond their comprehension by his love.  I owe a huge debt of gratitude for the legacy of love, faithfulness, and godliness that my Dad has provided for my children.  THANK YOU Dad, for being YOU!  I love you!

I have another Dad in my life, my father-in-law, Ronnie Matheny.  I'm not sure if he knew what he was getting when I married into the family, since he had two sons and no daughters until I came along.  I am sensitive and quiet, yet opinionated and strong willed.  I am serious and deep, and I have a different sense of humor, so I don't always get his jokes!  But I am loved and accepted by my second Dad...of that there is no question.  I have been supported and encouraged in every way, and there have been countless times when I have received from him words of inspiration and wisdom for life.  My father-in-law is a missionary to Kenya, and this week, I have experienced first hand the impact of his ministry to pastors in East Africa.  He pours out his life for the benefit of others and is a shining example to me of how to truly live.  I am incredibly thankful for the father he is to his sons.  By his example, my husband learned what it means to be man, a husband, and a follower of Christ.  I am reaping a lifetime of blessings because of his influence.  Though he is very busy with many important things, he always finds time for his family.  He is "PaPa" to my children, and two little girls could not be more loved and spoiled.  They get quality time in addition to treats, gifts, and special events with their PaPa.  I feel privileged to be a "Matheny" and to be a small part of the family legacy. 

I could not write about Father's Day without paying tribute to my husband, Travis.  I have been married to him for 15 years, and I have grown to love him more and more with every year that passes.  He is an amazing husband and the most incredible dad to our children.  When I married him, I could only imagine the great dad he would one day be; he has far surpassed my expectations and has gone beyond what I could even imagine I wanted for my girls.  He loves his daughters with a fierce kind of love, always protecting them from things that would cause them harm.  But he also knows the value of allowing our children to experience risk and the pitfalls and triumphs that come with it.  He supports them, encourages them, and loves them unconditionally, and because of their father's love, they are strong.  My daughters are unique and Travis encourages them and inspires them to be themselves and to be different.  We are here in Africa, and my children act like we are just across the street instead of across the ocean.  I love that because of their Dad, they will grow up chasing after life instead of sitting around waiting for life to happen to them.  My children are blessed.  They will grow up knowing what it means to truly know a Father's love, and I cannot thank my husband enough for the man he is to me and my children. 

This Father's Day, I hope that the Dads in my life realize how special they are to me!  Thank  you for everything you do and all that you are!


  1. Your writing is beyond poetic. Thank you for making me take a break and relish your words this morning. Love you girl! Hope Africa is as good as I dream it to be for you all. Miss you!

  2. Beautifully said, Lori! Have you ever thought of writing a book?
