
About Me

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My name is Lori, and it is my goal to live in the moment every day, follow Jesus, and show His love to everyone around me. I am a wife of almost 20 years and a mother to two amazing daughters.

Monday, July 25, 2011


It would seem like summer is the best time for a blogger to blog, but for me, it seems like the more free time I have the more lazy I become!  When things are busy, I am more productive and more creative; when life slows down, I just go with it!  As Travis puts it, I am the queen of ebb and flow.  But it seems that as August (and the upcoming school year) is quickly approaching, I should write about some of the highlights of my summer.  In June, our family took a trip to Kenya, East Africa.  While we were there, we attended a pastor's conference (see for more details!):


We also went on a family safari expedition, during which we saw so many animals, including the "big five" (lions, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros).  We stayed in a luxurious tented safari encampment with fabulous food, beautiful animals wandering the grounds, traditional Masaai entertainment, and a great pool for the girls to enjoy in the 80 degree weather!  This is not your average summer vacation!  :)


Travis and I celebrated 15 wonderful years of marriage on the coast of the Indian Ocean.  We spent 3 days reading, eating, and napping under palm trees on the beach, taking evening strolls to dinner, and simply enjoying the time away with each other.  I was reminded, as I have been so many times through our years together, of the many reasons I fell in love with my husband.  Quite simply, he is my best friend, and he loves me more than I could ever deserve! 


In addition to our wonderful family trip, we have enjoyed many moments with friends, soaked up lots of sun at the pool, and have had a really great summer spending time together and taking joy in the small things in life!  Soon it will be time to get the girls back into school mode, Madeline in the 7th grade and Clara in the 2nd.  It is hard to believe how fast time goes by; I have been reminded this summer how important it is to create family memories, to have shared meaning and family culture, and to soak up the moments of life, love, and laughter! 

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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