
About Me

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My name is Lori, and it is my goal to live in the moment every day, follow Jesus, and show His love to everyone around me. I am a wife of almost 20 years and a mother to two amazing daughters.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Germanfest Fun!


We had a fantastic time at Germanfest!  The food, the hilarious entertainment, good friends, family fun!!  My favorite moments:

Watching the girls rock climb It was their first time, and both of them did great! Madeline, as you might expect, was fiercely determined and used her small size and freakish arm strength to cling to that wall like crazy! Clara was very rational about the whole thing.  She planned out her every move, and when she could see that her plans to move further up the wall were not going to be successful, she simply let go of the rope and said that was as high as she could go!

Watching Travis watch WWF wrestling (is that what it is called?)  He was having way too much fun!  He was quite literally giddy with delight.  It was quite theatrical, and I am not sure the girls and I really "got it" like Travis would have hoped for us to.  But to him, it was magical greatness!

Watching the "circus side show" with "Oops" the Juggler and the circus side show members Jacamo the magician, Pepe the multi-talented musician who played a recorder with his nose, and Ben.  Ben escaped from a "regulation straight jacket" (the announcer must have said that phrase at least a dozen times!) right before our very eyes.  It was a sight to behold.  Where-oh-where, I ask, can you receive such high quality entertainment??   :)  We certainly laughed a lot!

There were playgrounds to play on, live music to entertain us, bounce houses to jump in, rides to avoid, and lots of people watching to make the day fly by!  I can't wait until next year!  Maybe you can join us!


  1. love your photos!!!!! miss you!

  2. Can't wait for you to blog while in Africa next month. WooHoo! Debbie
