
About Me

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My name is Lori, and it is my goal to live in the moment every day, follow Jesus, and show His love to everyone around me. I am a wife of almost 20 years and a mother to two amazing daughters.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random thoughts

I'm in a blogging sort of mood, but I've got all sorts of random thoughts going on in my mind this peaceful Saturday morning.  First, I am kind of excited!  Travis (and Kim Swindell...Kim, you are a superstar!!!) are participating in a cycling event in Muenster, TX today.  And the girls and I will be meeting up with him and the Swindell family to join all of Muenster at the Germanfest! It is sure to be an exciting, fun adventure, and I will be posting pictures later (that is, if I can figure out how). 

I've been in a summer sort of mood lately.  I am so ready for lazy afternoons at the pool, morning tea and toast on my back patio under the big shade tree, snow cones, vacations to Kenya, visits to Austin to see my lovely sister and her family, and just a general sense of calm.  I love summer, and somehow, even though the school year is not over yet, I am already getting into summer mode.  Perhaps it is all the fresh vegetables that I have been cooking with lately!  All of the culinary experts will cringe at the thought of any other alternative, but I have discovered the magic of cooking with fresh garlic.  (Actually, perhaps it does not take a culinary expert to cringe at the thought of using jarred garlic instead of fresh).  But honestly, I never thought it made much of a difference, and I am nothing if not practical, so jarred garlic has been a cooking staple around here for quite awhile.  But oh the taste of fresh!  I made a simple spaghetti dinner last night, and I sauteed 3 cloves of sliced, fresh, organic garlic along with the chopped Kale I always add to my sauce, and poured in the jar of Prego (yes I do see the irony of my jarred sauce paired with the oh so fresh garlic).  But oh wow, what a difference!  The garlic just permeated the sauce in a non-overpowering mild, sweet, garlicky sort of way. I also made some fantastic fresh green beans.  First I steamed them for about 5 minutes.  Then I sauteed them along with a couple of cloves of chopped garlic, a little olive oil, and some salt.  MAGIC!  I've never been very good at making green beans, but the garlic inspired me to try again.  Next I'd like to try roasting garlic.  I have heard it is fantastic, but I'm not sure how to do it.  Let me know your tips! 

Yesterday after getting a much needed adjustment from the wonderful Pam Kendall, I had about 20 extra minutes before I needed to pick up my 2 favorite daughters from school.  So what did I do? I made a mad dash into Plato's Closet (the little resale shop in the Albertson's shopping center on 377).  It has been a really long time since I have visited a Plato's Closet, and the location near me is relatively new.  So, I wasn't sure what to expect.  But, oh my!  I could have spent my entire DAY there!  It was like rummaging through a good (more fashionably dressed) friend's well organized closet and finding all sorts of things that she let me have for just a few dollars each!  I had only 20 minutes to shop, but I got a whole bag of clothes that I absolutely love!  I cannot wait to go back! 

I am feeling grateful today.  I have such a wonderful life filled with terrific people.  I have a husband who treats me like a queen, children who adore me (most of the time!), and friends and family who make up the community that I share life with.  I love them all so much!  I love my home and all of the memories and secrets it holds.  I love the quiet peaceful moments, and I also love the feeling I get after a long, busy, productive day.  I love the ebb and flow of my life.   

I've had a great week.  I have worked hard.  I have enjoyed my family.  I have enjoyed my time.  I have enjoyed my life!  I hope you have too!


  1. Lori, I just now read this post! I love fresh garlic too! I sauteed green beans with a little garlic (minced), a smidge of dijon mustard, balsalmic vinegar, and chopped onion and they were SO, restaurant good! My first time to ever make fresh green beans too!!!! Keep sharing your recipes on here!

  2. Lauren, those green beans sound amazing! I must try your method of cooking them! I made my green beans again last night, but I did not steam them long enough, and they were too chewy. But, I am glad I have something new to try with them for next time!
