
About Me

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My name is Lori, and it is my goal to live in the moment every day, follow Jesus, and show His love to everyone around me. I am a wife of almost 20 years and a mother to two amazing daughters.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Blogger app for iPhone??

I just discovered the blogger app for my iPhone and I think I'm a little excited about this! I miss blogging and find I don't read others' blogs if I'm not writing myself. However, my school issued Mac blocks the site even when I'm at home (!!!!) so it's a bit inconvenient! So this is my first iBlog! :) please pardon any inevitable typos!

Right now I am sitting next to my Clara Jewell while she writes notes to friends in her class. Two days ago, she sent every child in her class a handmade piece of her art...oil pastels, stickers, sponges and paint were used to create these gifts of her heart. Now she is writing personal letters of encouragement to each friend and my heart is so blessed!! Her love for others is amazing and she is always looking for ways to encourage and serve others. I am reminded in this moment how important it is to look beyond myself for ways to bring happiness into the lives of others. It is far too easy to get wrapped up in my own little bubble and not truly SEE others. I want to live a life full of purpose, but sometimes I think I expect purpose to come looking for me, perhaps even knock down my door on its way to my heart. But I think I'm realizing that purpose must be chased after, pursued, creatively fulfilled. Maybe I need to write a few letters myself...maybe I need to make a phone call or two...maybe I need to buy Starbucks for the girl in line behind me...maybe I need to make copies for my coworkers...maybe I need to babysit an adorable toddler (I know a few;)...maybe I need to get out my paint and oil pastels.

Purpose is intentional. No matter how small a thing it may seem, bringing happiness, hope, or encouragement to someone else is always a thing of significance!

Matthew 16:25
The Message (MSG)

25-26 Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?

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